Monday, May 26, 2008

JF interviews AH!

JF: Hi, I'm JF. AH is my best friend from school. I'm here at her house having a playdate. Hi AH, what is your favorite book or book series?

AH: My favorite book is DRAGON RIDER.

JF: What is DRAGON RIDER about?

AH: It is about a dragon named Frederick, and a brownie named Sorrel. It's not the kind you eat, it's a magical creature. And a boy named Ben. In Dragon Land, there are humans who are about to flood it. And there is only one place that can save them, a place that humans don't know about. They go on a magical quest to find it. It's called the rim of heaven.

JF: Who are the main characters?

AH: Frederick, Sorrel, Ben, Twigleg, and that's all.

JF: Did you like reading the book?

AH: OF COURSE, it's my FAVORITE. Maybe we could draw pictures of our favorite books and post them. What do you think?

JF: I like it!

(Picture: DRAGON RIDER picture by AH)


gram said...

A good Book for Claw would be the one I just finished, LUMBY"S BOUNTY by Gail Fraser. It is about a charming little toen of 4300 people in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. This time the town folk of been been forced into hosting a a hot-air balloon festival, which they know nothing about.

Laurie Johnson said...

Hi AH and HT! I am LJ. I think your blog is great, and the idea for a Book Claw is wonderful! My daughter, NN, would love a Book Claw. In fact, she is kind of a human Book Claw. These days she is enjoying Magic Tree House and the Chronicles of Narnia. Right now it's past her bedtime, but maybe another time she can post a comment here too. (I enjoyed seeing TB's website, which I accessed from here!) Much love from LJ