Friday, May 30, 2008

Super Duper Books!

Secret Message to AH and her friends...The mission was successful! I'm coming home from Los Angeles with many very cool books. You're getting the first look--they don't hit the bookstores until the fall.

You'll be the first to talk about them. So get ready for some interviews, gang!

Here are the titles. (Hint: A=1, Z=26)

1. "5, 13, 13, 25 and the Home for Troubled Girls" (part 2)

2. "4, 9, 1, 18, 25 of a 23, 9, 13, 16, 25/11, 9, 4: Do It Yourself Book"

And those are only the titles that you already know! Several publishers are starting off some amazing new series. I picked up copies of some of the best for your reading pleasure.

Shhh...this is really TOP SECRET. I met Pseudonymous Bosch! He is a very mysterious author, who wrote a very mysterious book. You, HP, SB, and JF may just love it. The title is funny; it's called IF YOU'RE READING THIS, IT'S TOO LATE.

He said that he'd love for you to review it on your blog. He even autographed a copy just for you.

Looks like you have some great summer reading to do, darlin'.


(p.s. I'll post a few notes on some of the other great writers I discovered at the Book Expo, once I get some rest. This book business is hard work! )

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